Google Workspace
- Reset and recover passwords
- Email issue
- catch-all address
- Download Google Data
- Gmail
- MX Records
- Company Logo
- Sharing drive files to the trusted domains
- Mobile Device Management
- Restrict emails based on a size
- Create Google Calendar Event
- less secure app
- Drive & Docs
- Users
- Install GCPW
- Add email aliases for user from google admin console
- Set up Google Workspace user signatures in Gmail
- Add or remove printers
- New updates to Google Workspace
- DNS Records
- Admin roles
- Security
- Forms & Surveys
- password
- Calendar
- Google vault
- har file
- Cloud Data Sync
- Routing
- Data Migration
- Organizational Unit(OU)
- License and subscription
- Report and Audit
- password sync
- Google Sites
- Google services
- jamboard
- Google Add-ons
- Keep
- outlook
- Devices
- Apps
- Spam, phishing, and malware
- Windows
- Meet Hardware
- user settings
- Google takeout
- Chrome Device Management
- networks
- Chrome Enterprise Management
How To collect all user information?
To collect all the user information in a single sheet
Steps to collect user information- Sign in to the Google Admin Console.
- Click on "Users" to view the list of users in your organization.
- To view a particular user's information, click on their name in the list.
- You can view the user's basic information, such as their email address, name, and organizational unit.
- Click on the "User Information" button to view additional information such as contact information, group memberships, and device details.
- You can also export user information to a CSV file by clicking on the "Download users" button.
- Select the option for all users.
- Select the columns (for the column click “All user info columns and currently selected columns/”)
- Select the file type to download the information.
1. Google Sheets
2. Comma-separated values (.csv)
NOTE: Remember to follow proper data privacy and security protocols when handling user information to protect their privacy and prevent unauthorized access or misuse of their data.
For further reference please refer to the article